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Revealed: "My Secret Book Containing 101 Words That Hypnotically Influence The Mind Of Others So You Can Effortlessly Persuade Them"

Let me show you 101 words that have been proven to hypnotize others...

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Dear Friend!

Would you like to know how you can:

  • Have people hooked onto your message by simply knowing which words to use
  • Breakdown communication barriers so your message gets through and "sticks"
  • Lower resistance from others and have them completely open to your message
  • Effortlessly persuade others using words that they are naturally hypnotized by

If so, then you are definitely in the right place.

So be sure to take the next five minutes to read this important letter.

Words Are Extremely Powerful

Try not to think of an elephant.

You see, it's nearly impossible NOT to think of one.

Your mind can't help but conjure up the image of the elephant...even when the command or message asked you not to.

The mere word elephant created an image in your mind.

This is how all of our minds are hard wired to work.

We are organically inclined to imagine things in our minds as a way of making sense of things.

Here's What You May Not Know

Not all words are created equal.

For example, take a look at these words:

  • Anger
  • Hate
  • Disgust
  • Disease
  • Sadness

Now, take a look at these words:

  • Joy
  • Love
  • Admiration
  • Health
  • Happiness

You can easily see that the kinds of words we use conjure up different images in our minds and thus have a different effect on us.

Some words create feelings of sadness or depression while others give us hope and inspiration.

Did you know that there are words that can actually help put someone into a hypnotic state?

That's right, there are certain words that when used will hypnotically engage the minds of others.

I should know. I have been practicing hypnotherapy for over 30 years.

And in that time I've identified the exact words that you can use to hypnotically influence others.

Hypnotically Influence The Mind Of Anyone Using 101 Hypnotic Words..

101 Hypnotic Words includes a digital PDF with 4 audio modules and shows you how to use words to put people into a hypnotic state.


You Will Discover Words That:

  • Induce a hypnotic trance through strategic vagueness. Creates a small window of opportunity to make a direct hypnotic suggestion which will be transplanted directly into the subconscious mind.
  • Trigger an affirmative, subconscious response to a prior hypnotic suggestion. Helps reduce opposition or resistance to a suggestion by negating the need to take immediate action on something.
  • Induce a hypnotic trance through strategic vagueness. Creates a small window of opportunity to make a direct hypnotic suggestion which will be transplanted directly into the subconscious mind.
  • Create logical continuity between two or more concepts that are normally not associated with each other.
  • Allow linking of secondary contingent hypnotic suggestions. The prior element is deemed automatically acceptable and permits the entry/acceptance of the action-oriented suggestion.
  • Allow for a hypnotic suggestion to be made.
  • Deepen the hypnotic trance and helps replace old information in the subject’s mind.
  • And much, much more!

List Price - $27 Today's Price - Only $7


Use These 101 Words To Hypnotically Influence Others or Get Your Money Back!


60 Day Money Back Guarantee

Go ahead and order 101 Hypnotic Words.

Download the material instantly to your computer. Then take the next 60 days to put it to use.

If you don’t find that you can easily influence the way others think using these words simply send my support team and email at and we’ll issue you a full refund. No questions asked.


List Price - $27 Today's Price - Only $7


So let me ask you.

Are you ready to start hypnotically influencing others using nothing more mere words?

If so then jump on this now as this special pricing is LIMITED.

-- Dr. Steve G. Jones

PS - Remember at $7 this price can't last. I know I can easily sell this for $27 (or even more) but I want to make this as easy as possible for you. But you need to do your part and take action.

PPS - With my 60 day money back guarantee you have absolutely nothing to lose. Get off the fence now and order 101 Hypnotic Words.


List Price - $27 Today's Price - Only $7