Revealed: "Plug These Covert Commands Into Your Conversations With Others And Hypnotically Persuade Them To Do What You Want"
Here's how you can use simple 3 word commands to covertly influence others..
Dear Friend!
Would you like to know how you can:
- Get people to do what you want them to without them resisting
- Use a few simple words to hypnotically influence the minds of others
- Have people open and listening to what you say without objecting
- Get deals done faster and easier without resorting to being "pushy"
If so, then you are definitely in the right place.
So be sure to take the next five minutes to read this important letter.
The Big Problem With Hypnotic Influence
Hypnotic influence is nothing more than persuasion.
And people are naturally resistant to persuasion.
Here's why...
Persuasion involves a change on some level.
And change is perceived to be hard and uncomfortable.
Simply put, people do not like change. They don't like the unknown.
They'd much rather stay the way they are even if that means saying "no" to you.
Here's What You May Not Know
People make most of their decisions subconsciously. We would like to think otherwise but studies have shown that as much as 95% of our decisions take place on a subconscious level.
For example, did you know that by simply removing a currency symbol in front of a price, you can dramatically increase sales?
One Cornell study looked at several common ways that restaurants display the prices on their menus:
Numerical with dollar sign: $12.00
Numerical without dollar sign or decimals: 12
Spelled out: twelve dollars
The researchers found that the guests that saw prices in the 2nd category (those without dollar signs or decimals) spent significantly more than the other two groups did.
The next time you're in a restaurant and you see the prices structured this way you can be sure that the restaurant understands that the customers (you and I included) make most of our decisions on a subconscious level.
So knowing that people are naturally resistant to hypnotic influence (persuasion) and that they make most of their decisions subconsciously, it makes sense that any attempt to hypnotically influence someone needs to be done covertly.
Hypnotically Influence The Mind Of Anyone Using
Covert Commands
Covert Commands is a digital PDF that shows you how to use embedded commands and analog marking to put people into a hypnotic state.
You Will Discover Commands That:
- Get people to do just about anything you ask...even scratch their nose
- Trigger instant compliance without question or resistance
- Overcome any objection that your subject may have about your request
- Create the feeling that what you are asking of them is natural and non-threatening
- Allow your subject to follow your lead and do what you want them to
- And much, much more!
List Price - $27 Today's Price - Only $7
Use These Covert Commands To Hypnotically Influence Others or Get Your Money Back!
60 Day Money Back Guarantee
Go ahead and order Covert Commands.
Download the material instantly to your computer. Then take the next 60 days to put it to use.
If you don’t find that you can easily influence the way others think using these words simply send my support team and email at and we’ll issue you a full refund. No questions asked.
* Special Fast Action Bonus *
Order Now & Get Three Powerful Hypnosis Recordings Free
($239 Value)
Included with your order today are not one, not two but three powerful platinum hypnosis recordings that will help you master persuasion.
- 60 minutes in length
- Binaural tones are used in the background
- 5 different relaxation suggestions are used
- 30 minutes is dedicated to reprogramming the subconscious mind
- Feature Brainwave Entrainment (also known as Brainwave Synchronization)
List Price - $27 Today's Price - Only $7
So let me ask you.
Are you ready to start hypnotically influencing others by simply piecing together a few simple words in the right way?
If so then jump on this now as this special pricing is LIMITED.
-- Dr. Steve G. Jones
PS - Remember at $7 this price can't last. I know I can easily sell this for $27 /(or even more) but I want to make this as easy as possible for you. But you need to do your part and take action.
PPS - With my 60 day money back guarantee you have absolutely nothing to lose. Get off the fence now and order Covert Commands.